Team Speyer
Prof. Dr. Stephan Grohs
Stephan Grohs is professor of Political Science at the German University of Administrative Sciences and Senior Fellow of the German Research Institute of Public Administration. His research focuses on subnational politics and administration in Germany and in international comparison. Specifically, this involves administrative organisation and reforms at the state, regional and municipal levels as well as the analysis of policy areas such as social, planning and integration policy. A second research focus is the analysis of international administrations and the European Administrative Space. Research on public governance and the third sector and its links to politics and administration complement his work. Contact: grohs@uni-speyer.de
Team Speyer
Benjamin Gröbe
Benjamin Gröbe has been working at the University of Speyer since the beginning of 2020 as a research assistant in the BMBF project ‘Local authorities as anchors of cohesion in the European system of multilevel governance (KommZuEU)’ . He first studied political science and sociology at the University of Rostock, the University of Bergen and the Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg. Between 2016 and 2020, he worked as a research assistant at the German Research Institute for Public Administration (FÖV) in Speyer. During this time, he worked under the supervision of Prof. Stephan Grohs in the research project ‘Administrative Styles and the Discovery of National Scope for Action in the Europeanisation Process’ in the programme area ‘European Administrative Space’ as well as various externally funded projects. His doctoral thesis deals with the implementation of various EU directives on banking and financial market regulation in a cross-European comparison. Contact: Benjamin.Groebe@uni-speyer.de
Team Hagen
Dr. Renate Reiter
Renate Reiter studied political science and completed her doctorate in the subject at the University of Osnabrück in 2009. Since then, she has worked as a research assistant at the FernUniversität in Hagen (Institute of Political Science, Faculty KSW), where she has led several research projects. From 04.2017 to 03.2019 Renate Reiter was a substitute professor for Multilevel Governance at the University of Leipzig (Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy). She conducts research on public policies and policy analysis in a European comparison, and has specialized on municipal social policy. Since the beginning of 2021, she is one of the leaders of the BMBF research project ‘Local authorities as anchors of cohesion in the European system of multilevel governance (KommZuEU)’. Contact: renate.reiter@fernuni-hagen.de
Team Hagen
Dr. Dorothee Riese
Dorothee Riese studied political science at Leipzig University. After finishing her M.A. in 2013, she worked at the Institute of Political Science (Leipzig University) and coordinated the M.A. programme ‘European Integration in East Central Europe’. From 2018-2020, she was employed in the ERC-funded project ‘Democratic Secrecy’ at Leiden University. Within the project, she worked on her PhD thesis entitled ‘Enclosing Executive Secrecy. Arguments and Practices in the German Bundestag’. Her teaching and research focus lies on Germany and the European multi-level system. Since the beginning of 2021, she has been working as a researcher in the project ‘Local authorities as anchors of cohesion in the European system of multilevel governance (KommZuEU)’. Contact: dorothee.riese@fernuni-hagen.de
Team Hagen
Simon Lenhart
Simon Lenhart studied social and political sciences at the University of Cologne. After graduating, he worked from 2020 to 2022 as a research assistant at the Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (Austria) at the Department for European Politics and Democracy Research in the research project REGIOPARL (“Regional Parliaments Lab”), which dealt comparatively with the role of regions and regional parliaments in the EU multi-level system. Since the end of 2022, he has been a research assistant at FernUniversität Hagen and, in addition to teaching activities, contributes to the project ‘Local authorities as anchors of cohesion in the European system of multilevel governance (KommZuEU)’. His research interests lie in the field of EU integration research. He researches the role of local/regional authorities in the EU multi-level governance system and the European Committee of the Regions (CoR). His dissertation at the University of Tübingen deals with the institutional activism of the CoR in the Conference on the Future of Europe. Contact: simon.lenhart@fernuni-hagen.de